This is an open forum in which Alpine Woods Area Residents can ask questions and respond to any and all information the City of Valdez posts. For downloadable documents, photos, and septic information please visit the official City of Valdez 10 - mile area website.

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Week in Review

Well, this week of Septic Replacement Program work certainly flew by. Monday we were busy getting notifications to all Alpine Woods residents in the mail as quickly as possible for the City Council Work Session Septic Summit Monday, June 29th, at 6:30 pm (everyone is welcome). Phase I, Phase II, and remaining residents each got their own letter. Tuesday we met with the City Engineer Alan Minish to bring him up to speed on the project. Wednesday was spent on temperature data collection and analysis and Alpine Woods paperwork organization, as well as a new ACAT letter. Thursday we began preparing materials to bring to the Septic Summit and making lots of copies. Today we will continue to promote attendance to the Septic Summit and (hopefully) finish the paperwork and copying. By the end of today or early on Monday we should have a pretty good Agenda put together. It sure makes for a fast week!

King Bee Equipment has been preparing some of their Phase I sites for finish up work and begun piling up topsoil in the City snow lots, but Sheldon Shaw, the site manager and engineer for King Bee Equipment, has said King Bee is still waiting on their Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) approval and a DEC permit before they can begin. This has pushed the preliminary schedule posted on Monday the 22nd back by at least a week. Throw in the 4th of July holiday and most people are probably looking at a week and a half later than their posted schedule at best. We will keep everyone as updated as we can.

Well that’s it from our neck of the woods today. We’re all hoping for more sunshine and good construction weather. Hope to see you all at the Septic Summit!

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